Midwest Branch Executive Board

President President-Elect
Jesse Morgan Bart Franklin
ROWE PSC Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc.
616.213.8055 616.204.7491
jmorgan@rowepsc.com franklinb96@yahoo.com
Vice President Secretary
Alex Pummill Derek Gajdos
Fredrickson Supply LLC City of Grand Haven
616.949.2385 616.847.3493
alex@fredricksonsupply.com dgajdos@grandhaven.org
Treasurer Past President
James Hurt Matt Anderson
City of Grand Rapids City of Norton Shores
616.456.3312 231.799.6804
jhurt@grcity.us manderson@nortonshores.org
Trustee Trustee
John Gorney Jim Wolford
City of Grand Rapids City of Kentwood
616.456.3231 616.656.5311
jgorney@grcity.us wolfordj@kentwood.us
April Bonkowski
Precision Concrete Cutting
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