Michigan Chapter Executive Board
Brandy Siedlaczek City of Southfield 248.796.4806 bsiedlaczek@cityofsouthfield.com
Jennifer Lawson City of Ann Arbor 734.794.6430 jlawson@a2gov.org
Vice President
Mark Norton Spicer Group 989.921.5765 markn@spicergroup.com
Linnea Rader Van Buren County Road Commission 269.674.8011 linnearader@vbcrc.org
Immediate Past President
Dan Sorek Prein & Newhof 616.432.6705 dsorek@preinnewhof.com
Tracy Spencer MacQueen 248.209.7119 tracy.spencer@macqueengroup.com
Annual Conference/Program & Venue Committee Chair
James Hurt City of Grand Rapids 616.456.3312 jhurt@grcity.us
Awards Chair
Bill Fisher WSP, INC 313.230.0933 William.Fisher@wsp.com
Education Committee Chair
John Gorney City of Grand Rapids 616.456.3231 jgorney@grcity.us
Historical Committee Chair
Lawrence Hummel Fleis & VandenBrink 616.401.8053 lhummel@fveng.com |